New Dawn (Hong Kong) Ltd
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Contact Us

We are always striving to do better and anticipate your needs.

We welcome your suggestions and ideas to help us better serve you.

Please call our customer service representatives between 09:00 am and 06:00 pm, preferably Monday to Friday because Saturday and Sunday would be our peak days!  We are happy to hear from you.

Customer Service Hotline:

Hong Kong (852) 2622 2055   (852)  6808 5331  China (86) 150 1899 8030

Sales:  Mr. Fong (852) 6808 5331   Wechat:  felixfongcl 

Technical support: Mr. Qin (86) 1800 254 0723   Wechat: 1800 254 0723

or you can email to, our Customer Service Representatives will contact you as soon as we can.

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Tel. : 
Email * : 
Enquiry * : 
» SA3621G(Datasheet)
» SA3860G(Datasheet)
» SA3621 (Datasheet)
» SA3086B (Datasheet)
» SA3633G(Datasheet)